Abstract: We present a photoplethysmogram peaks detection and heart rate calculation on android smartphone. Photoplethysmogram signal is obtained and extracted from a video stream of fingertip that is taken from smartphone camera. Then, photoplethysmogram peak is detected based on moving window integration and threshold. The heart rate value is calculated from the detected peak. We design an Android Application for processing photoplethysmogram data and calculating the Heart Rate. The photoplethysmogram signal and detected peak could be saved in smartphone’s storage and uploaded to the existing database. Peak detection and peak to peak time interval calculation are successfully conducted. The performance of the peak detection is calculated in terms of accuracy, sensitivity, and positive predictive. Positive predictive, accuracy, and sensitivity of peak detection are 99.19%, 92.45%, 93.17%, respectively.
Citation: Utomo, T. P., & Nuryani, N. (2021, February). Photoplethysmogram peaks detection based on moving window integration and threshold for heart rate calculation on android smartphone. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1825, No. 1, p. 012032). IOP Publishing.
DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/1825/1/012032