Photoplethysmogram peaks detection based on moving window integration and threshold for heart rate calculation on android smartphone

Abstract: We present a photoplethysmogram peaks detection and heart rate calculation on android smartphone. Photoplethysmogram signal is obtained and extracted from a video stream of fingertip that is taken from smartphone camera. Then, photoplethysmogram peak is detected based on moving window integration and threshold. The heart rate value is calculated from the detected peak. We … Read more

Automatic QRS-complex peak detector based on moving average and thresholding

In this article, we present QRS-complex peak detection using moving average and thresholding process. In the QRS-complex detection, electrocardiogram (ECG) signal is detrended to remove the baseline shift of the signal. Detrended ECG signal is passed through band pass filter that consist of low pass and high pass filter to remove various noises that present … Read more